TGIF!!!!...I'm so bored at work and read so many articles and blogs so far, that I feel tired *yawn*
So this Monday, 4/11/11, I took off 2 hours early from work and headed down to Milwaukee with some of the Green Bay Jiu Jitsu guys. It was actually a really good turnout, as 14 of us were able to head down and train with Scott Huston and his 360 BJJ guys. Wow, the drive seemed so much longer then usual and I've traveled down to Milwaukee multiple times before.
We finally arrived at 360 BJJ and was greeted by Scott. Everyone of the GBJJ guys were stoked and we all agreed that it felt like our first day in class all over again. Mainly due to the new atmosphere, new training environment and meeting the Milwaukee guys. 360 BJJ is a lot bigger then I thought it was. We didn't have a chance to warm up or stretch, just got changed into our gis and started drilling techniques. Scott was very very detailed and precise with his explanations of techniques. We drilled for about 45 minutes or so, then went into full on rolling. Rolling was fun, except I didn't get much of a chance to roll with everyone there. I rolled with Scotts blue belt, Gotto, as we started off slow, feeling each other out and both of us never going 100%, just flow with the go. I did really good against Scotts blue belt, but got caught in an armbar, he torqued it so far that my arm literally started hurting after and still hurts today. Then again, my dumb ass didn't tap and tried to fight out of it, so it's really my own fault. LOL
Next, I rolled with the assistant instructor Tom, who's a brown belt. I got mopped all over the floor by him and he wasn't even trying. It was really fun though! I sat out the rest of the night, due to my arm hurting, just observing the other guys roll and I must say, the 360 BJJ guys are very very technical and very good! They are very efficient with their spider guards.
Rolling went on for like 2 hours and it was well worth the drive on a Monday night!